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About Pauter

Pauter Machine Company, a pioneer in automotive high performance, first broke onto the automotive scene in the early 1960s, when the now “nostalgic” or “vintage” racing hardware graced the pages of Hot Rod, Car Craft, Road & Track and countless other monthly’s, were the Holy Grail for legions of the high performance faithful.

With much enthusiasm and a long and successful background of aircraft and aerospace machining experience where acquired skills such as closer tolerances, higher standards of quality control, better materials, and material processing were expected to be a level above those normally associated with the automotive performance industry at the time. We applied these valuable assets to our then fledgling automotive program with much success and pride in our products and services.

Our commitment to continued product excellence and straight forward no-nonsense technical assistance means more value for each dollar you spend. Our considerable knowledge of the development of engine components is at your service when you buy from us. Our staff of experienced technical advisers can help you make the right decision on the correct parts for your needs, and just as important, help you sidestep expensive errors before they cost you time and money.

inverted connecting rods

Immediate Professional Feedback
At Pauter, we don’t employ just salespeople. Every person answering the phone, through decades of experience, maintains a detailed understanding of the parts, their respective purposes and use limitations, as well as installation instructions. In fact, the person answering your phone call and the person producing your parts will likely be one and the same. Since 1954, Pauter has held three things above all others: our customers, our products, and our name.

Extreme Tool Precision and State of the Art Technique
Pauter maintains a 0.0002” (0.005mm) tolerance, where critical, for connecting rods, rockers, and cranks, as well as a ±1 gram tolerance for connecting rods. All parts are entirely American-made, professionally assembled, and rigorously inspected prior to shipment.

Part and Customer-Specific Engineering
Prior to placing your order, you will have the opportunity to speak with machining and automotive experts who can guide you through your build. If needed, our flexible engineers can alter machining parameters on the fly. After purchasing your parts, you are guaranteed a close relationship with these same experts, instilling confidence of return on your investment. At Pauter, we are able to professionally maintain our products, whether that means a quick between-race inspection and refurbishment, or an entire custom part match and rebuild, this is  because we hold every part number, custom or OEM spec, in our machining database.

standard connecting rods
